Morgan Sands Meng


Minimum (YC) Senior Frontend Developer

Aug 2021 - October 2023

As employee number one, I created the front-end from scratch working with stakeholders to quickly iterate on the product whilst maintaining a solid technical foundation.
  • - Led the architecture and implementation for all front-end projects.
  • - Onboarded and mentored new developers.
  • - Created a design system and component library to easily integrate with the design team.
  • - Developed a visual editor for a proprietary schema implementation allowing quick and easy collaboration across the team.

Drunken Pixel Founder

2010 - Ongoing

A personal company founded to get experience on the whole software lifecycle. This allowed me to explore the entire end-to-end process from ideation to marketing and release.
  • - Created an AI powered radio station.
  • - Published several Alexa skills.
  • - Built and published several 4+ star rated games later featured in the Windows Phone store.

Inflo Ai Frontend Developer

May 2019 - Feb 2021

As part of a two-person team, I was responsible for the web app, implementing varied features ranging from personalised dashboards to bespoke rich text editors.
  • - Introduced and implemented React hooks across the product.
  • - Created several internal NPM packages ranging from styling to authentication.
  • - Implemented Cypress.JS to handle E2E tests as part of a GitLab Pipeline.

White Clarke Group Innovation and Presales Consultant

April 2018 - February 2019

As the sole representative of the innovation lab, I created software to demonstrate and explore new technologies. From VR to AI I had to assess a technology, build a proof of concept, prove a business case and present to clients.
  • - I represented the company giving talks to over 400 members of the IAFN and FLA.
  • - Created a Virtual Reality showroom for use at events and conferences.
  • - Built an AI powered chatbot development suite to allow clients to easily create their own chatbots.

White Clarke Group Javascript Developer

July 2016 - April 2018

In part of a multi-disciplined team, I worked on creating new features and upgrading software to AngularJS.
  • - Led the initiative to upgrade from Angular to Angular 2
  • - Implemented a one-click build process incorporating unit tests, coverage, e2e and hot reloading.

Grapeshot Frontend Developer

July 2015 - June 2016

Working as part of the apps team I created and maintained front-end interfaces for various internal and external clients.
  • - Led the admin dashboard project.
  • - Implemented Protractor to create an E2E test suite.


Programming Languages

Javascript, Typescript, CSS, SCSS, C#


React, Redux, Node, Express, Unity, RTK


Jasmine, Jest, Protractor, Cypress, React testing library




MySQL, Firebase


Grunt, Gulp, Git, Webpack, Vite, Vercel, NPM, Travis CI


Agile, Scrum

Working Knowledge

GCP, AWS, Docker, Linux




(First Class Honours)

MEng Electronic and Computer Technology

C&G Level 2


ICT Systems Support

C&G Level 1


IT Systems Support – PC Maintenance

A Levels

(A, B, B)

Computing, Math and Physics