Tag: html



Ring of Fire Rules

(A custom rulesset database)

Ring of Fire is a drinking game that has been around for a long time. It's a game with a lot of different rulesets and variations. I wanted to create a place where people could share their unique variants and build, share, and comment.

This was the first project where I really started to dive into front-end development. Although still PHP-based, this was my first personal project that engaged with JS as more than just an AJAX call or a simple form submission. This included a drag-and-drop interface and live previews of the rulesets



Then I woke up

(The Dream platform)

Then I Woke Up was a PHP-based website I used as my first foray into web development. Trying to ride on the coat tails of the popular "FML" formula, the site was a place for people to share their weird, bizarre or just plain bad dreams.

Although long dead, the Wayback Machine caught a glimpse of it during testing, naked without any of its styling or interactivity.



Parker Hannifin

(R&D Internship)

I received a scholarship from Parker Hannifin providing me with six months’ work experience around my university studies each year. I was tasked with assessing emerging technologies and building prototypes. Working unaccompanied but liaising with internal teams and clients, I created software to improve client, technician and engineer experiences and interactions with the product. Iterating on the software, using experience and feedback, put me in the position to demonstrate these projects for consideration to the senior management team.